Editorial Policy

All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous initial appraisal and screening by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure alignment with the journal’s scope and standards. Manuscripts deemed suitable for further consideration are subjected to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees, ensuring impartiality and high-quality evaluation. The African Review of Economics and Finance employs a double-blind peer review process, safeguarding the anonymity of both authors and reviewers throughout the evaluation.

We subject a wide range of contributions to peer review, including full-length research articles, letters, brief communications, technical reports, field notes, analyses, perspectives, and insights. Matters arising, correspondence, and published corrections may also be peer-reviewed at the editors' discretion to uphold the journal's integrity and scholarly standards.

Reviewer selection is a critical component of our publication process. Reviewers are chosen based on their subject matter expertise, scholarly reputation, specific recommendations, and the editorial team's prior experience with their reviews. This meticulous selection ensures that feedback is both constructive and authoritative.

To be accepted for publication, a manuscript must significantly contribute to advancing understanding within economics, providing robust evidence to support its conclusions. It must also demonstrate a compelling rationale for publication in AREF, signifying its potential to shape thinking and influence discourse within the field. We strive to maintain a standard of excellence, ensuring that published works enhance the visibility and impact of economic scholarship on a global scale.

Plagiarism Policy

The African Review of Economics and Finance upholds a strict zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism and unethical copying in any form. All manuscripts submitted for publication are thoroughly checked for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Manuscripts found to be plagiarised during the initial review process are immediately rejected and will not be considered for publication.

If plagiarism is detected after publication, the Editor-in-Chief will undertake a preliminary investigation, possibly with the assistance of an appropriate committee appointed for this purpose. If the manuscript is found to exceed acceptable levels of plagiarism, the paper will be formally retracted. The journal also reserves the right to withdraw a manuscript, even after acceptance, if substantial issues with its academic integrity or breaches of publishing policies come to light.

Open Access and Copy Right Policy

We are committed to maximising the impact of research by ensuring global accessibility to our published content through Open Access. This policy removes the need for permission from authors or publishers to cite our work, enabling researchers, educational institutions, and users worldwide to access and reuse the content freely. As a public good, AREF is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and promoting the development of cutting-edge research.

African Review of Economics and Finance ©️ 2024 by Professor Yegandi Imhotep Paul Alagidede is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content. Re-users can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes. If others remix, adapt, or build upon the material, they must license the modified material under identical terms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy for the African Review of Economics and Finance

The African Review of Economics and Finance (AREF) acknowledges the increasing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in academic research and publishing. To ensure ethical and transparent practices, the journal has established the following policy regarding the use of AI tools and technologies:

  1. Use of AI in Research and Manuscript Preparation
    • Authors must disclose the use of AI tools (e.g., language models, data analysis software, or image generation tools) in the research, analysis, or preparation of their manuscript. This includes specifying the tools utilised and their purpose.
    • Authors retain full responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of any content generated or processed using AI tools.
    • AI tools cannot be listed as authors. Authorship is restricted to individuals who have made significant intellectual contributions to the work, in accordance with internationally recognised authorship criteria.
  2. Ethical Use of AI
    • Authors must ensure that the use of AI tools adheres to ethical standards in research, including respect for data privacy, intellectual property rights, and transparency.
    • AI-generated content must be thoroughly reviewed for factual accuracy and originality. The use of AI should not compromise the scientific validity or originality of the research.
  3. Prohibition of Plagiarism and Data Fabrication
    • Manuscripts containing AI-generated text or data must not misrepresent such content as original human work. AI tools must not be employed to fabricate data or plagiarise existing material.
    • All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and unethical use of AI-generated content using advanced detection software.
  4. Disclosure in Published Articles
    • If AI tools were utilised during the research or writing process, authors are required to include a clear statement in the acknowledgements or methodology section specifying their use.
    • The journal may provide a standardised format for disclosing AI involvement to ensure clarity and consistency.
  5. Consequences of Misuse
    • Undisclosed or unethical use of AI tools, including the generation of fraudulent data or submission of AI-generated manuscripts without proper attribution, will be treated as a breach of ethical standards. This may result in rejection, retraction, or other appropriate actions as outlined in the journal’s ethics policy.
  6. Continuous Review
    • Given the evolving nature of AI technologies, this policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect advancements and emerging best practices.

The African Review of Economics and Finance is dedicated to promoting the responsible and ethical use of AI, ensuring that its integration enhances the quality, integrity, and impact of scholarly research.
