Inequality, the pitfalls, and the promise of liberation in Africa
Inequality, the pitfalls, and the promise of liberation in Africa
Publisher: African Review of Economics and Finance
Pub: 2020-05-01 15:04:53
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South Africa is something of a paradox in the study of global inequality. In spite of the African National Congress (ANC), the leading force in the anti-apartheid movement, winning an overwhelming victory in the 1994 elections promising to end inequality in the world’s most unequal country and a constitution that foregrounds the promotion of social and economic rights, economic inequality in the post-apartheid period has deepened (Webster and Francis, 2019). This paradoxical outcome has led to a ferocious political-economic debate on the nature of South Africa’s transition to democracy.
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Inequality, pitfalls, Africa
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Inequality, pitfalls, Africa