International Regime Governance and Apparel Labour Upgrading in Export Processing Zones in Urban Kenya

2017-12-17 13:11:12 Viewed: 7277 Downloads: 1391
  • International Regime Governance and Apparel Labour Upgrading in Export Processing Zones in Urban Kenya

      Moses Mpuria Kindiki


    Pub: 2017-12-17 13:11:12

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  • This  paper  analyses  the  extent  to  which  international  regimes  on  production  and  trade  in apparel offer labour upgrading opportunities in Kenya under the regime on labour. Focussing on the African Growth and Opportunity Act’s labour  conditionalities, it presents evidence to show that, apart from the  non-employment of children, other  conditionalities on wages, hours of work, occupational safety and health, forced labour and right of association and right to organise and bargain collectively have not been met fully. Employing a dependency reading of  regimes,  the  paper  argues  that  the  governance  of  regimes  on  production  and  trade  in apparel, while not a necessary condition, was a sufficient condition to account for t his trend. This evidence implies that Sub Saharan African countries need to overcome a lack of strategic reading of the dependency embedded within international regimes, while social movements and  their  sympathisers  need  to  demand  the  full  implementation  of  minimum  labour

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  • Keywords

    Apparel, Global Value Chain, Dependency, Regimes, Governance, Upgrading, Urban

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